My top 10 YouTube channels
3 min read

My top 10 YouTube channels

My top 10 YouTube channels

Everyone who knows me is probably acquainted with my religious dedication to watching the latest videos from my favourite YouTube channels. I obviously watch all kinds of YouTube videos when I've got free time, but even when busy or on holiday I will always take time for the latest uploads from my favourite YouTube channels. I refer to this time humorously as  "my weekly homework".

So, I thought it would be fun to share with you my 10 top favourite YouTube channels and how I discovered them.

The queen of make-up Lisa Eldridge

Lisa Eldridge is a renowned make-up artist and a vintage make-up collector. While searching for make-up tutorials, I stumbled across Lisa Eldridge's videos, and I was instantly hooked. First, her style of make-up, "less is more", matches mine. Second, she is very knowledgeable and stirring when talking about her art and inspirations. Finally, she has a deep understanding of make-up history which I find both interesting and fascinating.  

Rental friendly space deco Alexandra Gater

Alexandra Gater is the go-to YouTube channel if, like me, you enjoy budget and rental-friendly home decor projects, perfect for weekends. Her style is fresh, boho, and cosy. She is a big fan of Moroccan home decor, which perfectly aligns with my aesthetic.

The infamous Alt Shift X

Alt Shift X channel provides character study, theories, and analysis of famous fantasy stories. I discovered the channel when looking for character analysis of the Game of Thrones TV show. During this period, there were several channels with similar content; however, Alt Shift X was and still is the best, especially when it comes to convincing and compelling theories. His voice and video style is memorable.

Get Stuckmann-ised movie critic Chris Stuckmann

Since I enjoy watching and researching movies, I am constantly on the lookout for inspiring films. While randomly searching the web, I came across Chris Stuckmann. After the first couple of videos, I quickly realized that we have the same taste and appreciation for indie movies. So before watching a movie, I would always check Chris's review. If Chris likes a movie, I would probably watch it.

Favourite Tech-savvy Dave2D

Dave Lee makes excellent videos reviewing tech products. His channel, Dave2D, helped me pick both my personal computer and smartphone; no regrets. I would highly recommend his channel. The reviews are good and bring a lot of perspective about the tech product along with the business model and future directions.


Marques Brownlee's channel needs no introduction. The video quality is top-notch. Marques reviews various types of products ranging from smartphones to cars and drones. He invites prominent personalities to provide perspectives about a specific topic. I especially enjoy the once a year videos about Smartphone Awards of the year and Best Gadget of the year.


TED's YouTube channel is loved and recognized worldwide. I think I probably have watched every single video, and I am intentionally not going to calculate the amount of time I spent doing that for obvious reasons. I would like to highlight my three favorite Ted's videos. The first choice is easy; it is the most popular video by the one and only Sir Ken RobinsonDo schools kill creativity?. I also love the video by Professor Brian Little entitled Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality Prof. Little is known for his work on personality assessment. Through his TED video, I started reading more books and being generally interested in personality research specifically the difference between introverts and extroverts. The last video by the journalist Jon Ronson Strange answers to the psychopath test is a must-watch.


TED-Ed channel provides animated educational videos extending TED’s mission of spreading great ideas. The videos are short, cover diverse topics, and deliver beautiful animation. I especially enjoy the TED-Ed riddle series, history on trial, and amazing animals.

Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell

Kurzgesagt is a well recognized and loved channel that provides animated videos about science and the world. They have this optimistic yet sceptical approach, especially when talking about topics related to climate change or end of the humanity, for instance. Their animation game is stunning and the signature of the channel.

Inspiring Lex Fridman

Lex Fridman is a computer scientist and an AI researcher who teaches at MIT. On his youtube channel, you can find his popular podcast, where he invites various personalities such as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Bjarne Stroustrup. He also shares videos related to his hobbies, mainly sports and music. You can also find some of his lectures regarding Deep Learning. His Youtube channel gives a sneak peek into his mind, which I find captivating and brilliant. I would highly recommend his channel if you like learning new things while being entertained.

Do you agree with my top 10 list? If you have any suggestions about YouTube channels I should follow, please share!